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High School Curriculum

High School Curriculum


Before discussing any aspect of high school curriculum, it's important to have an understanding of the high school graduation requirements for students who will graduate in 2018 and beyond. This video from the Ohio Department of Education will help you understand the options for earning a high school diploma.

In order to graduate, a student must successfully complete 20 credits and meet one of three options offered by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE).

  • Earning at least 18 points on seven end-of-course state tests; 

  • Earning at least 12 points through industry credential and workforce readiness; or

  • Earning "remediation-free" scores in Language Arts and mathematics on a nationally recognized college admissions examination (ACT, SAT).

For a more detailed look at the credit requirements and the three options, please go to Graduation Requirements 2018 and Beyond on the ODE website.